Section VI - Massey Data Bank One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010

Massey records in the Grantee/Grantor Index Files for Angel's Rest, Angel's Lot, Spring Garden,
Smith's Park, and Meginniss' Part of Angel's Rest Resurveyed in Kent County, Maryland












James Wrightson and wife Sarah

David Witherspoon

Angels Rest




August 28, 1753: David Witherspoon, gentleman, of Newcastle County buys for £80 10/- from James Wrightson, gentleman, of Talbot County in Maryland a 139.5 acre part of Angels Rest lying between the Sassafras River and Chester River and between the other portions belonging to Jacob Gibson and to John Carslake: Beginning at the end of the North line of John Carslake's part of Angels Rest according to a partition thereof lately made, and running thence North fifty three perches and one quarter of a perch, then West four hundred and twenty perches, then South fifty three perches and one quarter of a perch, thence with a straight line to the beginning. Possible intervention by the heirs of Bryan O'Meally. Acting for the Crown: Justices of the Peace B. Hands and Charles Scott; James Smith is Kent County clerk.



William Price and wife Sarah

David Witherspoon

Angels Rest




December 20, 1753: David Witherspoon of Newcastle County buys a 319 acre portion of Angels rest for £200 from William Price, joyner, initially of Talbot County but lately of Dorchester County in Maryland.  Courses: Beginning at the end of the second line of Angels Rest and running thence East four hundred and twenty perches, then North one hundred and twenty perches, then West four hundred and twenty perches, and then with a straight line to the beginning. Acting for the Crown: Justices of the Peace B. Hands and C. Whichcote; also Sam. Toney and W. Hynson; acting as witnesses: James Tilghman and Jno. Williamson; James Smith is Kent County clerk.



David Witherspoon and wife Hester

Daniel Massey

Angels Rest




March 21, 1755: Daniel Massey, inholder, of Kent County in Maryland buys for £258 2/- 6p an 80 acre portion of Angels Rest from David Witherspoon, Esquire, of New Castle County upon Delaware.  Courses: Beginning at the end of the third line of the original tract and running from thence North one hundred and twenty two perches, then West fifty six perches to the great road leading from the head of Sassafras River to the head of Chester River, then South thirty degrees West with said road sixty perches, then West forty six perches, then South seventy perches to the third line of the whole original [tract] then running East to the beginning (adjacent to and including a portion of Partnership, and perhaps to be disputed by Bryant Amoly). Witnesses: J. Wilmer, Nicholas Smith.  Acting for the Crown: Joseph Nicholson; James Smith, Kent County Clerk.



Jacob Linegar

Daniel Massey

Spring Garden; Angels Lott



February 2, 1759: Daniel Massey, inholder, of Kent County in Maryland for 143 pounds, 5 shillings buys a 106 acre total of parts of two tracts of land, one being a part of Spring Garden (formerly sold by Gideon Pearce to George Linegar, , father of the present Jacob Linegar, and adjacent to Partnership) the other a part of Angel's Lott (formerly sold by Simon Wilmer to George Linegar) from Jacob Linegar and wife Grace.  Notations: Sarah Linegar, mother of Jacob Linegar, retains her dower rights during her natural life; and the chapel standing on 2 acres of the land is not included in the sale; Ann Howerly retains ownership of eight acres; and land bequeathed by George Linegar to Elizabeth Williams is also excepted.  Possible interference with Dennis Dulany's land, called Gracious Gift or Gracious Grant. Courses: Beginning for the land bargained and hereby sold premises at a red oak tree being the beginning tree of the tract of land called Spring Garden and running East thirty two perches till it is clear of a tract of land called Partnership and then beginning for the hereby granted and sold premises and continuing East two hundred and fifteen  perches then North forty eight perches than West till it comes to Angels Lott before mentioned then running North [illegible] perches than West ninety six perches thence South ninety perches to Spring Garden then with Spring Garden and continuing with the original line of the same to the [illegible] called Partnership and continuing with Partnership to the first line line of Spring Garden and to the place of beginning. Acting for the Crown: Nicholas Smith, William Rafin (Rasin); and Joseph Nicholson; James Smith, Kent County Clerk.



Azariah Boshick and wife Elizabeth and Shaderick Boshick

Daniel Massey

Spring Garden




September 17, 1768: Daniel Massey of Kent County in Maryland buys for £50 a 1.0 acre portion of Spring Garden from Azariah Boshick and Shaderick Boshick of Kent County on Delaware. Courses: Beginning at a marked sassafras post on the South side of the Main Road that leads from Georgetown to Pudding Branch, commonly called the Chapple Road, and running from the said post South four degrees West eleven perches, then East three degrees North twenty six and a third perches, then with a straight line to the beginning. Possible interference from the executors of the estate of George Linegar, late of Kent County, who bequeathed a part of a tract of land to his daughter Elizabeth. Acting for the Crown: Justices of the Peace Samuel Thompson and J. Maxwell; Dennis Dulany is Kent County clerk.



John McCombs and wife Litsha; William McCombs; and Jacob McCombs and wife Catharine.

Elijah Massey

Angels Rest

128 + 124 perches,
less 7



February 1, 1769: Elijah Massey, farmer of Kent County in Maryland, buys for £284 5/- a 120 acre portion of the 307 acre tract called Angels Rest from John McCombs, William McCombs, and Jacob McCombs. Courses: Beginning at the end of two hundred and sixty one and one half perches on the second line of the original tract of Angels Rest and running thence East four hundred and twenty perches, then South one hundred and nineteen perches, then West one hundred and fourteen perches, then North ninety five perches, then West three hundred and six perches, then with a straight line to the beginning of the aforesaid lines. Excepted are seven acres in an interior parcel lying on the East side of the Main Road that leads from the head of Sassafras River to the head of Chester [River] which the said John McCombs previously sold to Robert Little of Kent County. Acting for the Crown: J.W. Hall and Justices of the Peace James McLachlan and Samuel Thompson; Dennis Dulany is Kent County clerk.



John Vansant and wife Jane

Sarah Massey

Spring Garden




August 27, 1770: Sarah Massey of Kent County in Maryland buys for £51 an 8 acre portion of Spring Garden from John Vansant. Courses: Beginning at the end of one perch West from a marked hickory standing near the North East corner of a Chapel and running thence North three degrees East twelve perches, then North one degree West fourteen perches, then North fourteen degrees West fourteen perches and six feet, then South sixty seven degrees West thirty five perches and five feet, then South ten degrees East thirty four perches, then North eighty degrees East four perches, then North six perches, and from thence with a straight line to the beginning. Acting for the Crown: Justices of the Peace James McLachlan and Samuel Thompson; Dennis Dulany is Kent County clerk.



John Vansant

Sarah Massey

Spring Garden




September 10, 1770: Sarah Massey of Kent County in Maryland buys for £30 a one acre portion of Spring Garden from John Vansant, merchant of Kent County. Courses: Beginning at the end of the sixth line of a parcel of land deeded from Abraham Flaherty to John Vansant and running from thence North nine degrees West fourteen perches, then East twelve perches and twelve feet, then South thirteen perches, then with a straight line to the beginning. Acting for the Crown: Justices of the Peace James Anderson and Emory Sadler; Dennis Dulany is Kent County clerk.



Thomas Witherspoon

Elijah Massey

Angels Rest




March 19, 1771: Elijah Massey of Kent County in Maryland buys for 250 pounds (of Pennsylvania money) buys a 139.5 acre portion of a parcel called Angel's Rest (other parts belonging to John Carlslocks and Jacob Galifons) from Thomas Witherspoon and wife Susanna.  Possible intervention by Bryan Omeally. Courses: Beginning at the end of the North line of John Carslocks part of Angels Rest according to a partition thereof heretofor [illegible] and running thence North fifty three perches and one quarter of a perch thence East four hundred and twenty perches thence South fifty three perches and one quarter of a perch then with a straight line to the first beginning, containing and now laid out for one hundred thirty nine and one half of an acre. Witnesses: J. Maxwell and Samuel Thompson.  Acting for the Crown: W. Hall; Kent County Clerk: Dennis Dulany.



Daniel Massey


Spring Garden



November 28, 1771: Daniel Massey of Kent County in Maryland petitions the Court to reestablish the boundaries of Spring Garden by collecting and reviewing depositions.  Commissioners: Augustine Boyer, Alexander Baird, John Lambert Wilmer, and William Woodall, all of Kent County.  Deponents: Joseph Rogers, age 40; Henry Clark, age 58; and John Broxton, age 61.  Acting for the Crown: Samuel Thompson; Thomas Smith; Dennis Dulany, Kent County Clerk.



Samuel Davis, Jr.

Elijah Massey

Angels Lott




June 9, 1775: Elijah Massey, farmer, of Kent County in Maryland for 5 shillings buys a 100 acre parcel, part of Angel's Lott (adjacent to land of the late Robert Little) from Samuel Davis, Jr., son of Philip Davis, deceased, who had bought the land from Simon Wilmer, also deceased. Courses: Beginning at a marked Spanish oak tree being the easternmost bounds of the tract call Smith's Park and running from the said oak South West 106 perches to the land formerly of Robert Little, now deceased, and from thence East thirty degrees South with said Little's land 195 perches then North 146 perches and thence with a straight line to the first tree, containing and laid out for 100 acres. Acting for the Crown: James Hynson, William Rogers; Dennis Dulany, Kent County Clerk.

Samuel Davis, Junior
Elijah Massey
Smiths Park
June 9, 1775: Elijah Massey, farmer, of Kent County in Maryland for 500 pounds buys a 100 acre parcel adjacent to a tract called Smith's Park from Samuel Davis, Jr., son of Philip Davis, deceased. Courses: Beginning at a marked Spanish oak tree being the easternmost bound of a tract called Smith's Park and running from the said oak South West 106 perches to the land belonging formerly to Robert Little, deceased, and from thence East thirty degrees South with the same lines 195 perches thence North 146 perches and thence with a straight line to the first tree containing and laid out for 100 acres. Acting for the Crown: Thomas Smith; James Hynson, William Rogers; Dennis Dulany, Kent County Clerk.



Cornelius Vansant

Elijah Massey

Angels Rest




July 15, 1790: Elijah Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland buys for £410 in specie a 140 acre portion of the tract called Angels Rest from Cornelius Vansant, who purchased the tract from Jacob Gibson. Courses: Beginning at the original beginning of Angels Rest where now there is planted a large stone, and running from thence four hundred and twenty perches West to a parcel of stones at the end of the first line of  the original Angels Rest, then South fifty four and a half perches, then East four hundred and twenty perches to intersect the home line of the original Angels rest, then North fifty four and a half perches to the beginning. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace John Thomas and W. Grindage; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.

Elisha Massey
James Woodland
Smiths Park
June 9, 1795: James Woodland of Kent County in Maryland for 5 shillings buys a 250 acre parcel called Smith's Park from Elisha Massy (Massey) and wife Sarah Massey, widow of James Hynson, who inherited the land from her late husband.  Witnesses: John Thomas, and W. Thomas.  Ben Chambers is Kent County Clerk.
William Geddes
Benjamin Massey
Angels Lot
February 20, 1801: Benjamin Massey of Kent County in Maryland for 500 pounds buys a 120 acre parcel called Angel's Lott (adjoined by land of John Gibson) from William Geddes, Esquire, and wife Mary (represented by John Thomas, Esquire) of Philadelphia, who inherited the land from Simon Wilmer, father of Mary (nee Wilmer) Geddes.  Witnesses: Margaret Geddes, William H. Jester, and Edward Shippen, whose signature was attested to by Pennsylvania Governor Thomas McKean and in turn by James Trimble, Acting Secretary to the Governor; and John Comegys and Ia. Parker.  Another transaction involved land devised to William Geddes by John Pryon of New Castle County, Delaware.  Thomas Worrell is Kent County Clerk.
Benjamin Massey and wife Elizabeth Frederick Boyer
[adjacent to Smiths Park]

August 26, 1805: Benjamin Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland sells a 100 acre tract for £700 to Frederick Boyer, also of Kent County. Courses: Beginning at a marked Spanish oak tree being the Easternmost bounds of a tract called Smiths Park, and running from the said oak South West one hundred and sixty perches to the land formerly belonging to Robert Little (deceased), and from thence East thirty degrees South with the same lands one hundred and ninety five perches, thence with a straight line to the first tree. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Cornelius Comegys and Ephraim Vansant; Thomas Worrell is Kent County clerk.



Elijah Massey, Benjamin Massey and wife Elizabeth

Casparis Meginniss

Angels Rest

54.5; and 2.25



September 5, 1805: Elijah Massey and Benjamin Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland sell a 54-1/2 acre portion and a 2-1/4 acre portion of Angels Rest for £552 to Casparis Meginniss, also of Kent County. Courses: Beginning at a stone standing on the South line of Angels Lot, it being a bounds between Benjamin Massey and Casparis Meginniss described in the plat by the letter "A" and running from said stone South fifty nine degrees East thirty five and three quarter perches to the main road leading from the Head of Sassafras River to Masseys Cross Roads, then with said road North thirty nine and a half degrees East one hundred perches to a tract called Smiths Park, then with that tract North West one hundred and fourteen and three quarter perches to the end of the first line of Smiths Park, then South nineteen degrees West forty two perches to a stone, a bounds between Elijah Massey and Casparis Meginniss, then with Angels lot one hundred and a half perches to the beginning, containing fifty four and a half acres. Also a part of Angels Rest: Beginning at a stone standing at the end of the second or West four hundred and twenty perch line of Meginniss' part of Angels Rest Resurveyed and running from said stone North one and three quarter perch, then East four hundred and twenty perches, thence with a straight line to the beginning, containing two and one quarter acres. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Ephraim Vansant and Cornelius Comegys; Thomas Worrell is Kent County clerk.



Elijah Massey and Casparis Meginniss

Angels Rest



March 18, 1806: Casparis Meginniss and Elijah Massey make an agreement regarding the boundaries of Angels Rest: A bounded red oak tree with a bulge at the bottom standing on the West side of a tract of land called Angels Rest and running from thence East to a stone standing in the South East corner of the said Casparis Meginniss part of Angels Rest shall be the boundary line of the lands of the said Casparis Meginniss and Elijah Massey; a performance bond of £500 is hereby set.  Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Ephraim Vansant and James Clayton; Thomas Worrell is Kent County clerk.



Benjamin Massey and wife Elizabeth

Casparis Meginniss

Angels Lot




March 8, 1808: Benjamin Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland sells a 54-1/2 acre portion of Angels Lot for £552 10/- to Casparis Meginniss. Courses: Beginning at a stone standing in the South line of Angels Lot, it being a bounds between Benjamin Massey and Casparis Meginniss described in the plat by the letter "A" and running from said stone South fifty nine degrees East thirty five and three quarter perches to the main road leading from the Head of Sassafras River to Masseys Cross Roads, then with the said road North thirty nine and a half degrees East one hundred perches to the tract of land called Smiths Park, then with that tract North West one hundred and fourteen and three quarter perches to the end of the first line of Smiths Park, then South nineteen degrees West forty two perches to a stone, a bounds between Elijah Massey and Casparis Meginniss, then with Angels Lot one hundred and a half perches to the beginning. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Ephraim Vansant and Cornelius Comegys; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.



Elijah Massey

Benjamin Massey

Angels Rest




February 19, 1808: Elijah Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland sells for 7/- 6p to Benjamin Massey, also of Kent County, the 121 acre parcel of Angels Rest that Elijah bought from John William and [illegible name.] Witnesses: Justices of the Peace William Farrell and Cornelius Comegys; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.



Moses Tennant and wife Frances H. Tennant

Benjamin Massey

Angels Rest; and Partnership

60; and 15



February 19, 1810: Benjamin Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland buys, for $1,500.00, a 60 acre portion of Angels Rest and 15 acres of woodland in Partnership from Moses Tenannt and wife Frances H. Tennant, also of Kent County. The parcel lies in the North West corner of the roads leading from Masseys Cross Roads to the Head of Sassafras River and from the aforesaid Cross Roads to Georgetown, containing sixty acres, and also fifteen acres of woodland contained and being in the before-mentioned tract called Partnership adjoining the lands of the heirs of the late John Massy (Massey) and John Neuman [spelling ? - GL,III,ed.] Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Cornelius Comegys and Ephraim Vansant; Ben Chambers is Kent Couty clerk.



Winder Massey

Benjamin Massey

Angels Rest




July 15, 1811 (recorded August 15, 1811): Benjamin Massey, Esquire, of Kent County, buys for £710 the 142 acre tract called Angels Rest from Winder Massey, gentleman of Baltimore County, who had bought the tract from his grandfather Elijah Massey. Courses:  Beginning at the original beginning of the aforesaid Angels Rest where there now is planted a large stone and running from thence four hundred and twenty perches West to a panel of stones at the end of the first line of the said tract of land thence South fifty four and a half perches then East four hundred and twenty perches to intersect [illegible] line of the original tract of said land and North fifty four perches and a half to the beginning containing and laid off for one hundred and forty two acres. Witnesses: Ephraim Vansant and Cornelius Comegys.



Winder Massey

Elijah Massey

Angels Rest




March 19, 1811: Winder Massey of the City of Baltimore in the State of Maryland buys a 142 acre portion of Angels Rest for $1.00 from his grandfather Elijah Massey, who purchased the tract from Cornelius Vansant, deceased, who in turn had obtained it from Jacob Gibson.  Ann Massey, mother of Winder Massey, now lives on Angels Rest.  Courses: Beginning at the original beginning of the survey of Angels Rest where now is planted a large stone, and running from there four hundred and twenty perches West to a parcel of stones at the end of the first line of said land, then South fifty four and a half perches, then East four hundred and twenty perches to intersect the home line of the original tract of Angels Rest, then North fifty four and a half perches to the beginning. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Cornelius Comegys and Ephraim Vansant; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.



Benjamin Massey

Winder Massey

Angels Rest




September 22, 1811: Benjamin Massey, Esquire, in order to secure a debt of £710 owed to Winder Massey, gentleman of Baltimore, sells in a mortgage deed the 142 acre tract called Angels Rest to Winder for $5.00, which sale becomes null and void if Benjamin makes payment of £355 on October 1, 1811 and another payment of £355 on October 1, 1812, plus legal interest.  In the meantime, Benjamin is free to occupy and use the land and premises as he wishes.  Winder Massey had previously obtained the land (on March 19, 1811) from his grandfather and sold it to Benjamin in an earlier transaction. Courses: Beginning at the original beginning of the aforesaid Angels Rest were now there is planted a large stone and running from there thence four hundred and twenty perches West to a parcel of stones at the end of the first line of said tract of land, thence South fifty four perches and a half, thence East four hundred and twenty perches to intersect the home line of the original tract of said land, thence North fifty four perches and a half to the beginning containing and laid off for one hundred and forty two acres. Witnesses: Kent County Justices of the Peace Ephraim VanSant and Cornelius Comegys; Ben Chambers is Kent County Clerk.



Elijah Massey

Pamela Massey and Francis Massey

Angels Rest




July 16, 1811: Elijah Massey, out of love and affection for Pamela Lambden Massey (daughter of Benjamin Massey) and Francis Massey (daughter of James Massey) gives the 229 acre tract called Angels Rest (Elijah's present home) to Pamela and Francis as tenants in common with the proviso that, should Pamela die unmarried before the age of 21, her share of Angels Rest should go to Carolyn Massey (another daughter of Benjamin Massey).  Angels Rest was acquired by Elijah from Thomas Witherspoon and adjoins lands of Casparis Meginniss and Benjamin Massey.  Witnesses: Charles Harding and William Farrell, Junior.  Ben Chambers recorded the deed as Kent County Clerk. 



Elijah Massey

Winder Massey

Angels Rest




March 19, 1811: Winder Massey of Baltimore, buys for $1.00 the 142 acre tract called Angels Rest from his grandfather, Elijah Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland, previously purchased by Elijah from Cornelius Vansant, deceased, who in turn had acquired the land from Jacob Gibson.  Ann Massey, mother of Winder, now resides on the same land. Courses: Beginning at the original beginning of the aforesaid Angels Rest where now there is planted a large stone and running from thence four hundred and twenty perches West to a parcel of stones at the end of the first line of said tract of land, thence South fifty four and a half perches, then East four hundred and twenty perches to intersect the home line of the original tract of said land, thence North fifty four perches and a half to the beginning containing and laid out for one hundred and forty two acres. Witnesses: Elijah Vansant and Cornelius Comegys; Ben Chambers is Kent County Clerk.



Frederick Boyer

Casparis Meginniss

Smiths Park and Angels Lot

181; 180


Deed of mortgage to secure a debt

March 17, 1813: Casparis Meginniss of Kent County in the State of Maryland buys for $5.00 portions of Smiths Park and Angels Lot totaling 361 acres from Frederick Boyer, also of Kent County, to secure a debt of $2,200.00 owed by Mr. Boyer to Mr. Meginniss.  Frederick Boyer can remain on the land without interference if he makes good on the debt within a year, in which case the sale becomes null and void. Witnesses: Jervis Spencer and Samuel Boyer; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.



Winder Massey

Benjamin Massey

Angels Rest




February 3, 1813: Winder Massey of the city of Philadelphia transfers ownership of the 142 acre tract called Angels Rest back to Benjamin Massey, having received timely repayment of the £710 debt plus legal interest owed by Benjamin to Winder.  Winder previously had been given the land by his grandfather (on March 19, 1811) and subsequently sold it to Benjamin. Courses: Beginning at the original beginning of the aforesaid Angels Rest, where now there is planted a large stone, and running from thence West four hundred and twenty perches to a parcel of stones at the end of the first line of said tract of land, thence South fifty four perches and a half, thence East four hundred and twenty perches to intersect the home line of the original tract of lot of said land, thence North fifty four perches and a half to the beginning and containing and laid out for one hundred and forty two acres. Witnesses: Kent County Justices of the Peace Jervis Spencer and Samuel Boyer; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.



Casparis Meginniss, Esquire

Captain Benjamin Massey

Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed



September 16, 1813: Casparis Meginniss and Benjamin Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland agree on the boundaries of a tract now called Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed as determined by the following Patent of Reurvey granted September 17, 1811 and performed by Simon Hicks, Esquire, Kent County Surveyor: Beginning at a stone agreed by the parties to be a bounds of these lands and which is now fixed as the beginning of the tract of land called Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, another stone to be set there and marked with the letter "CM" on the North side and "BM" on the South side, and also a locust post marked with twelve notches; thence running North one hundred and a half perches to an old corner stone of the parties, part of Angels Rest, where also must be set a stone and post marked and bound as above as the second of the resurvey, from thence [West ? illegible] four hundred and twenty perches to another old stone of Benjamin Massey and Casparis Meginniss part of Angels Rest, which is said to be in the South line of Angels Rest originally,where now is to be set a stone and post as marked above, to be called the third bound of Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, then North fifteen and three quarter perches to the tract of land called Drugans Delight, then West eleven and a half perches with that land to the tract called Pearces Rambles, then with that tract the two following courses: South one hundred and twenty five perches, then West sixty two perches to Drugans Delight, then South fourteen perches which is said [to be] the East line of Partnership, then with that tract East seventy three and a quarter perches to the South line of the original survey of Angels Rest, then with that tract North twenty two perches to a red oak tree with a swell at the top of the ground, now to be marked with twelve notches and a stone to be set up on the East side marked with the letters "CM" on the North and "BM" on the South and called the fourth bounds of Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, which is the corner of the parties' parts of the original survey of Angels Rest and said to stand in the South line thereof, from thence with a straight line to the beginning, and whence it is not known where the East line of Partnership runs, and that last line is the bounds of Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed.  It is directed that the East line of Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed be [illogical and confusing sentence follows ... - GL,III, ed.] Witnesses: John Hoodall and Simon Hicks, Surveyor of Kent County; Ben Chambers is Kent County clerk.



Arthur Segar and wife Francis Massey Seegar

Benjamin Massey

Angels Rest

1/2 share of 229



December 29, 1821: Francis Massey Seegar, wife of Arthus Seegar, (both of Queen Anne's County in the State of Maryland) having reached the age of twenty one, completes the sale of her share of Angels Rest that had been willed to her and her sister Pamela Lambden Massey by Elijah Massey when Francis was a minor, on April 16, 1811.  Benjamin Massey of Kent County is the buyer, at $3,000.00.  According to the referenced deed, Pamela Lambden Massey is the daughter of Benjamin Massey and Francis Massey is the daughter of James Massey. Witness: Chief Judge of the Second Judicial District of Maryland, [Richard Tilghman] Earle; William Scott is Kent County clerk.



Joshua W. Massey and Pamela L. Massey.

Benjamin H. Massey and Caroline E. Massey

Angels Lot




January 30, 1823: Joshua W. Massey and Pamela L. Massey of Queen Anne's County in the State of Maryland sell for $1.00 to Benjamin Massy (Massey) for his natural life and Caroline E. Massy (Massey) for ever a 139-1/2 acre portion of Angels Lot that Pamela L[ambden] Massey was given by her grandfather Elijah Massy (Massey). Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Edward Eubanks and John McDaniel; Joseph Wickes is Kent County clerk.

Benjamin Massey
Joshua W. Massey
Angels Rest, Angels Lot, Partnership, and Spring Garden
August 7, 1822 (Recorded January 16, 1823): Joshua W. Massey of Queen Anne's County in Maryland for $3,996.00 buys the combined 154 acres of portions of the parcels: Part of a tract of land called Angels Rest, part of a tract of land called Angels Lot, part of a tract of land called Partnership, and part of the tract of land called Spring Garden; said several parts and parcels of land are contained within the following described lines and bounds: Beginning at the end of the third line of Angels Rest and running thence South fifty one and one quarter degrees West three hundred and thirty two perches until it intersects the eleventh line of the survey made by Thomas Gale for Benjamin Massey, thence with said survey South eighty one degrees East ninety four perches, thence South seventy five degrees East sixty and one quarter perches, thence North twenty six and one quarter degrees East fourteen and one fourth perches, thence South seventy three degrees East twelve and four fifths perches, then North twenty eight degrees East one hundred and eighty one and one half perches and North thirty four degrees East sixty five and one quarter perches, thence to the beginning North fifty nine degrees West thirty five and one sixteenth part of a perch, containing and now laid out for one hundred and fifty four acres and six perches. Witnesses: Edward Eubanks and John McDaniel, Justices of the Peace for Kent County. Recorded by Joseph Wickes, Kent County clerk.



Joshua W. Massey

Emily Ann Massey

Angels Rest, Angels Lot, Partnership, and Spring Garden




August 8, 1822 (Recorded January 16, 1823): Emily Ann Massey of Kent County in Maryland buys for $3,696.00 the combined 154 acres of parts of the tracts, Angel's Rest, Angel's Lot, Partnership, and Spring Garden from Joshua W. Massey of Queen Anne's County in a land swap between Ebenezer T. Massey and Emily Ann Massey of Kent County and Joshua W. Massey and Pamela Lambden Massey of Queen Anne's County, said swap being made possible by Act of the Legislature of Maryland passed February 21st, 1822, Chapter 164, and endorsed as to the equivalence in value of the lands by a commission formed of James Parker, Mr. Osborne, and William Moffitt. Courses: Beginning at the end of the third line of Angels Rest and running thence South fifty one and one quarter degrees [illegible] three hundred and thirty two perches until it intersects the eleventh line of the survey made by Thomas Gale for Benjamin Massey, thence with the said survey South eighty one degrees East ninety four perches, thence South seventy five degrees East sixty and one fourth perches, thence North twenty six and three fourths degrees East fourteen and one fourth perches, thence South seventy three degrees East twelve and three fifths perches, thence North twenty eight degrees East one hundred eighty and one half perches, thence North thirty five degrees East sixty one and one fourth perches, thence to the beginning North fifty nine degrees West thirty five and one sixteenth part of a perch, containing and now laid out for one hundred and fifty four acres and six perches. Witnesses: Edward Eubanks and John McDaniel, Justices of the Peace for Kent County. Recorded by Joseph Wickes, Kent County clerk.

Benjamin Massey
Ebenezer T. Massey
Angels Rest, Angels Lot, Partnership, and Spring Garden
August 9, 1822 (Recorded January 16, 1823): Ebenezer Thomas Massey buys for $12,218.75 the combined 384 acre parcels, including Angel's Rest, Angel's Lot, Partnership, and Spring Garden, from Benjamin Massey.  Courses: Part of a tract of land called Angels Rest and part of a tract of land called Angels Lot and a part of a tract of land called Partnership and part of a tract of land called Spring Garden: said several parcels of land are contained within the following described lines and bounds: Beginning for the [illegible] thereof at a certain stone planted at the end of the third line of Angels Rest of which stone is likewise a boundary of Meginniss's land and running from there West four hundred and twenty perches to a bounded oak, thence South twenty and one fourth perches to the East line of Partnership, thence West one hundred and thirty three perches to the North by East line of Partnership, and South by West ninety six and one half perches, thence East one hundred ninety six and one half perches to a road leading from Georgetown [illegible] road to Massey's Crossroads, then with said road South twenty two and one half degrees East twelve perches, thence South thirty six degrees East fourteen perches and South fifty two and one half degrees East eighteen perches and South seventy six degrees East thirty seven perches, thence South fifty five degrees East thirty four perches, thence South eighty one degrees East twenty four perches, thence to the beginning in a straight line containing and now laid out for three hundred and eighty four acres [illegible] and 24 perches of land. Also another tract of land containing four acres being a part of Partnership which said tract of land said Benjamin Massey purchased of Cornelius Comegys in which he, said Cornelius Comegys, purchased of Philip [illegible] trustee for the estate of William [illegible]. Witnesses: Edward Eubanks and John McDaniel, Justices of the Peace for Kent County. Recorded by Joseph Wickes, Kent County clerk.



Samuel C. Meginniss and wife Ann

Emily Ann Massey

Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot, Smiths Park, Spring Garden, and Partnership




September 17, 1834: Emily Ann Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland buys, for $4,500.00 from Samuel C. Meginniss and wife Ann of Queen Anne's County, the tracts called Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot, Smiths Park, and 20 acres of woodland in Spring Garden and Partnership.  The lands were devised to Samuel C. Meginniss and Hannah Riley by Casparis Meginniss, late of Kent County by his Will dated February 9, 1828. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace John McDaniel and William Millan; Joseph N. Gordon is Kent County clerk.



Hannah Riley

Ebenezer T. Massey

Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland




December 22, 1834: Hannah Riley of Kent County in the State of Maryland sells for $4,500.00 to Ebenezer T. Massey portions of the following tracts: Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a 20 acre woodland adjoining a woodlot owned by Samuel Carlock, being the same lands devised to the said Hannah Riley and Samuel C. Meginniss by the Will of their father, Casparis Meginniss, late of Kent County, dated February 9, 1828.  Courses: Beginning ast a stone which stands at the end of the first line of that part of Angels rest which formerly belonged to Richard Gibson, and running from thence South fifty nine degrees East thirty five and three quarter perches to the public road leading from Massey's Cross Roads to the head of Sassafras [River], thence by and with said road thirty nine and a half degrees East one hundred perches, thence North twenty two degrees East eight perches, [then] North sixteen degrees East one hundred and thirty three and one sixth perches, [then] North forty eight and three quarter degrees West fifty one and a quarter perches, thence South forty three degrees West one hundred twenty four and a half perches, thence South nineteen degrees West forty two perches, thence West four hundred and twenty perches, thence North fifteen and three quarter perches, thence West eleven and a half perches, then South one hundred and twenty five perches, [thence] West sixty two perches, thence South fourteen perches, thence East seventy three and a half perches, thence North twenty two perches, thence East four hundred and twenty perches to the beginning, containing four hundred acres. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace Rich. Semans and C.R. Hackett; Joseph N.  Gordon is Kent County clerk.

Ebenezer T. Massey
Hannah Riley
Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland 400
Deed of mortgage to cover a debt
January 20, 1835: Ebenezer T. Massey of Kent County in the State of Maryland sells for $5.00 to Hannah Riley, also of Kent County, the tracts for which he promised to pay $4,500.00 in a deed dated December 22, 1834: Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland, totaling 400 acres.  The debt is to be paid in installments and be fully paid with legal interest by January 1, 1839, in which case the sale of the listed trascts becomes null and void. Witnesses: Justices of the Peace C.R. Hackett and Rich. Semans; Joseph N. Gordon is Kent County Clerk.
Hannah Riley, Nathaniel Meginnis, and Bethsheba Meginnis; and David Cummins Ebenezer T. Massey
Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland 400
Deed of release of a mortgage
November 7, 1837: Hannah Riley, Nathaniel Meginnis, and Barsheba Meginnis of Kent County in the State of Delaware and David Cummins of Kent County in the State of Maryland release to Ebenezer T. Massey of Kent County, Maryland, the lands which Ebenezer T. Massey had mortaged to Hannah Riley in a deed of mortgage dated January 20, 1835 (JNG:3:514-516): Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland, totaling 400 acres, which Casparis Meginniss had devised to her and Casparis C. Meginniss in his Will dated February 9, 1828. In another deed (JNG:2:458-461) Hannah Riley indemnified Nathaniel Meginnis, and Barsheba Meginnis against all manner of harm that should arise because of her guardianship of Casparis M. Riley.  Hannah Riley also signed over her interest in the $4,500.00 mortgage to David Cummins in a deed (JNG:4:60). Witnesses: Justices of the Peace John McDaniel and C.R. Haskell; Joseph N. Gordon is Kent County clerk.
Hannah Riley
David Cummins
Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland 400
Deed of transfer of a mortgage
October 7, 1835: Hannah Riley signs over for $300.00 to David Cummins all her right, title and interest in the mortgage deed dated January 23, 1835, executed with Ebenezer T. Massey (JNG:3:514) that covers the parcels, Meginniss Part of Angels Rest Resurveyed, Angels Lot and Smiths Park; and a woodland, totaling 400 acres. Witness: Justice of the Peace C.R. Hackett; Joseph N. Gordon is Kent County clerk.