McKenna Process Company
Plant formerly located in Joliet, Illinois - ca. 1920.

Autobiographical Data - Outline
by George Langford, Sr.

Trip to South Dakota, where I saw Sitting Bull and met a Ute Indian hunting party.

Central High School, St. Paul, Minnesota, graduated 1894.

Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University
Three-year course, graduated in Mechanical Engineering, June 1897.
Member of Book & Snake (Cloister) Society.
Stroke oar, Yale University eight-oared crew for the three years,
first Yale freshman to fill that post as far as known.
Took part in Varsity races at New London, Connecticut, and Poughkeepsie, New York,
and in
Yale's competition for the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley, England, 1896.

Took part in various four- and eight-oared races with
Duluth and Canadian Crews on Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.

Lost left arm in a mill accident January 30th;
married Sydne[y] Holmes in Kansas City, Missouri, November 14th.

McKenna Company mills
at Joliet, Illinois, Kansas City, Kansas, Tremley, New Jersey, and Birkenhead, England.

Foreman, Master Mechanic, Superintendent, General Superintendent,
Vice President & Director, President.

Visited Whitewillow, Kendall County, Illinois, and secured the Mastodon Elephant collection
found on John Bamford's farm. Collection donated to Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago,
the museum paying in part for expense of collecting and preparing the fossil teeth and bones.

Accumulated large collections of fossils and Indian artifacts now in various museums.

Fisher Mound and Village Site on the Des Plaines River, Illinois, near its confluence with Illinois River.
Ten mounds and forty house pits excavated with assistance of Albert Tennik, McKenna mill foreman;
over 600 human burials; 75 clay pots; numerous artifacts of stone, bone, copper and shell, potsherds
and animal bones. The collection with complete manuscript records, photographs, maps, etc., presented
to the University of Chicago.

Company business near 2212 North Clark Street, Chicago.
Adler Mounds, etc.

Voted Research Associate in Anthropology by Trustees of University of Chicago.
Voted life membership in American Museum of Natural History, New York.

Five hundred or more days in the strip coal mines west and southwest of Wilmington,
Will County, Illinois, collecting Pennsylvanian fossil flora and fauna.
The specimens are now in the Illinois State Museum (Springfield, Illinois), Colorado Museum of
Natural History (Denver, Colorado), and various other museums, the bulk of the collection
now being in the Chicago Natural History Museum.

Retired from the steel business. About 75 United States and a few foreign patents issued to Langford
from ~1917 to ~1929 on railroad rails and appliances.

1947 -1962
Chicago Natural History Museum. Put in charge of a new department, Fossil Plants, as Curator,
and has held that post up to the present time. Work in the strip coal mines of Will County, Illinois,
and clay deposits in Tennessee and Mississippi has resulted in a collection filling two large storerooms.