There are two
sets shown below because
there appear to be two
manufacturers, L&G (possibly Lamson & Goodnow of Shelburne
Falls, Massachusetts, according to the Directory of American
Toolmakers, Ed. by the late Bob Nelson) and perhaps Ransom Cook
himself. Note that there are no differences in workmanship or
style between the two sets. These bits will enlarge an existing
hole easier than will Jennings bits. They
are mostly around 150 years old.

The patent text is so succinct that I present all
of it, as shown at right. Ransom Cook went on to have this patent
extended another seven years (24 years in all) to June 17, 1865.
In the meantime, he got other patents, one a reissue of this patent,
re-designated No.RE2,513
and dated March 19, 1867 with clearer
illustrations but the same claims. In the interim he patented a
machine for making the augers, US Patent No.12,583,
on March 27, 1855
as well the actual method of making them, in US Patent No.13,780,
issued November 13, 1855. Below is US Patent No.RE2,513.
US Patent No.8,162

US Patent No.13,870, granted just 4-1/2years after US Patent No.8,162,
for this mechanized practice that Ransom Cook developed for making his

Just tell me the method, Ma'am
(taken out of context):
