Chuck: U.S. Patent No. 226,646, April 20, 1880. Pad: may also be patented. Walnut pad and wrist handle; when I received this brace, the wrist handle had become cracked by rust swelling up from the steel frame underneath. Rosewood handles rarely do this. I fixed the wrist handle by splitting it open, scraping away the rust deposits, and then gluing it back together with polyurethane glue (see this link for comparable repairs to a rosewood plane tote). All well and good, except that the glue welded the wrist handle to the frame. So well, that I had to glue on a block of pine (drilled out to match the diameter of the wrist) and the work the wrist handle free while holding it through the pine block in a large vise. Eventually I got it free again. One of the chuck's
jaws has been replaced, and the spring whose attachment hole can be seen
in the original jaws is long lost.