McKenna Process Company
Plant formerly located in Joliet, Illinois - ca. 1920.
Portraits of George Langford, Sr. throughout his adult life.
All the images below were scanned from originals.
There's more here.

Below: George Langford, Sr. in his Yale room, New Haven, 1896.  Seems rather home-like compared to George, III's M.I.T. room 60 years later ... Right: George, Sr. with wife,
Sydney Holmes Langford and son, George, Jr., 1902

George Langford, Sr. in Yale room 1896
George Langford, Jr. with wife Sydney Holmes Langford and first-born child, George Langford, Jr. in 1902
George Langford, Sr. in Yale sweater, new Haven, 1897

At left: George Langford, Sr. a year later, looking more relaxed than on the previous page; 1897.

At right: Nathaniel Pitt Langford with his niece, Sydney Holmes Langford (wife of George Langford, Sr.) and her two children, George Langford, Jr., and Lyda Langford, about 1907.
Nathaniel Pitt Langford with Sydney H. Langford and her children, George, Jr. and Lyda
Hawthorne Street house in Joliet, Illinois, around 1910
George Langford, Sr., about 1921
George Langford, Sr. portraits:      Above: Their Joliet house,
Left: About 1921; below: Signed May 26, 1950       about 1910

George Langford, Sr., signed May 26, 1950