One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010


Scope of this Book
Section I concerns B.F. Massey's ancestral line, traced back to his emigrant ancestor, Nicholas Massey, d.1726, Kent Co., Maryland.  Section I also traces all the Maryland descendants of this Nicholas Massey, mainly in Kent and Queen Anne's Counties. Section I is pretty much an independently researched joint effort by Judge Massey, Lou Hough, and myself. I have purposely not included within the scope of Section I several Massey family groups that migrated from Maryland into geographical areas that have been searched solely by Judge Massey, "Judge Massey Domain," so to speak.

Section II is devoted entirely to the life and career of our great-grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Massey, 1811-1879, mainly within the State of Missouri. Lou Hough and I researched Missouri.

Section III is devoted to the ten children of B.F. Massey and their descendants in Missouri and beyond.
This book is not a formal style genealogy, and it is not so intended, although it incorporates a mass of genealogical data: names, dates and places.

The book is truly a preliminary and incomplete genealogical report, a "state of the research" report, combining in one place a great deal of research work done by Judge Massey, Lou Hough and myself, aided by many contributors to each of us. We have incorporated every scrap of information concerning these Masseys that we have been able to unearth; gaps exist because we have been unable to fill them or to have them filled.
Primary records are always the best; and we have relied on primary and near-primary sources as much as we could.

For example:

(1) Original wills, deeds, letters, diaries, Bible records and the like, taken by Judge Massey, Lou Hough, and by myself, or by researchers working under our direction, or by family correspondents.

(2) The 1908 Massey Research Report given to me by J.G. Massey in 1936.

(3) The sequence of Massey "Charts" given to us by Judge Massey.

(4) Judge Massey's "Massey Genealogy," published in 1974. This is
the only published work on our Massey line that I am aware of.

I have also relied on the ever increasing published "abstracts" appearing frequently now, and very welcome indeed. I feel that they are near kin to primary sources, and they are unusually useful in bringing "hidden" names to light which otherwise would be buried in a maze of wills, deeds, etc. There are, of course, published general articles on almost any genealogical or historical subject in the geographical areas in which we are searching, which are always welcome to add information to our all too meager store of knowledge.
Further Research
Upon publication of this book, I am retiring completely from any additional research on our Massey family. I hope this book will act as a stepping stone to aid other researchers.
Data Bank
In the Sources list for each person, the number in italics (e.g., p.666) at the end of each line refers to the page number where that resource is located in my personal data bank for this research.