Section VI - Massey Data Bank One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010

Maryland Land Records, Queen Anne's County, Liber STW No.9 Folio 144-145
John Massey to Daniel Rochester, December 19, 1807

December 19, 1807: John Massey and wife Mary of Queen Anne's County sell for five shillings the 196 acre tract called Bridgewater to Daniel Rochester.  Witnesses: George Palmer and George Little, Justices of the Peace for Queen Anne's County.

Note: High-reolution images of the deed at right can be viewed at the Maryland State Archives, but registration is required in advance of doing so. Once you have registered, you can access the images by entering the county clerk's initials ("STW" in this example) and volume number ("9" above) and the folio page number ("144" above).

Queen Anne's County to wit: Be it remembered that on the twenty-sixth day of December Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seven the following deed was brought to be recorded to wit:
                             This indenture made the nineteenth day of December in the year eighteen hundred and seven, between John Massey of Queen Anne's County and state of Maryland of the one part and Daniel Rochester of the same County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Massey for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings current money of Maryland to him the said John Massey in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said John Massey has granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain, and sell unto the said Daniel Rochester, his heirs, and assignees, all that messuage, tract, or parcel of land situate lying and being in Queen Anne's County aforesaid called Bridgwater containing 196 acres more or less. Together with all the advantages, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof and all the estate, right, title, claim, and demand whatsoever of him the said John Massey of in and to the said premises and any part thereof. To have and to hold the said messuage, tract, or parcel of land and all and singular the premises above mentioned and any and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Daniel Rochester, his heirs, and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Daniel Rochester and his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.
John Massey {seal}
Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of
George Palmer      George Little

On the back of the original deed was thus endorsed to wit:

Received the day of the date of the within deed of the within named Daniel Rochester the sum of five shillings of current money of Maryland being the consideration mentioned in the said deed
John Massey
Witness: George Palmer
                George Little

Queen Anne's County Maryland to wit: be it remembered that on the 19th day of
December 1807 personally appeared John Massey, grantor within named, before us, the subscribers, two of the Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid, and acknowledged the within deed or instrument of writing to be his act and deed and the lands therein bargained and sold to be the right and the state of the within named Daniel Rochester, his heirs, and assigns, forever according to the purport, true intent, and meaning of the said deed or instrument of writing and the acts of assembly in such cases made and provided and at the same time also personally appeared Mary Massey, wife of the said John Massey, being by us examined separate and out of the hearing of her said husband did relinquish all her right of dower in and to the said lands and premises and declared that she did the same of her own free will and accord without being thereunto induced by fear or threats of her said husband or dread of his displeasure. Acknowledged before and certified by ...
George Palmer
George Little
Maryland Land Records, Queen Anne's County, John Massey to Daniel Rochester, December 19, 1807
Maryland Land Records, Queen Anne's County, John Massey to Daniel Rochester, December 19, 1807