This is about the famous Dimmit County, Texas land belonging to the heirs of Robert Douglass Massey, who died intestate in 1909
after acquiring a land parcel with four other persons. The parcel belonging to the heirs of R.D. Massey is located three miles from
Carizzo Springs, and two miles North of Big Wells.

Carrizo Springs coordinates (latitude, longitude): 28.523003,-99.861317
The Big Wells coordinates are: 28.572594,-99.569889.
Twenty-three miles east of Carizzo Springs is 28.523003,(-99.861317 + 23x180/(Pi times 3963)) = 28.523003,-99.526943
Two miles North of Big Wells is (28.572594 + 2x180/(Pi times 3963),-99.569889 = 28.601509,-99.569889

Look here in Google Maps: 28.601509,-99.526943; Look for a 172-acre parcel, k.e., 7,492,320 square feet.

There was a big discovery of shale-gas a couple of years ago.

Dimmit County, TX and the Eagle Ford Shale Play January 19th 2012
Dimmit County Eagle Ford Shale Map

Dimmit County, TX
Dimmit County is situated in South Texas above the Eagle Ford Shale Play where companies are targeting both oil, condensate, and
gas. Dimmit County produces from both the condensate rich and oil prone areas of the Eagle Ford. Generally, activity in the county
is driven by the two major operators Chesapeake and Anadarko. The condensate rich area in the southern third of the county is largely
operated by Anadarko, and Chesapeake operates much of the northern portion of the county that is prospective for oil. is a discussion network for mineral owners, royalty owners, and industry professionals to discuss oil & gas
related topics. Anadarko, Chesapeake, and Newfield are the largest operators in Dimmit County. All three primarily target the Eagle
Ford shale, but are testing the potential of the Pearsall shale.

E&P Companies with Operations in Dimmit County:

Alamo Operating Co.
Ampak Oil Co.
Anadarko (KNOC’s partner)
Botasch Operating
Blackbrush Oil & Gas
Carrizo Oil & Gas
Chesapeake (CNOOC’s partner)
CML Exploration
CMR Energy
El Paso Corporation
Encana Express Oil
JB Oil & Gas
Killam Oil
Lewis Petroleum (Partnered with BP)
LMP Petroleum
Murphy Oil
Newfield Exploration
Peregrine Petroleum
Petroquest Energy
Redemption Oil & Gas
Riley Exploration
Rosetta Resources
Sage Energy
Shell South Oil
SM Energy (St. Mary Land & Exploration)
Stonegate Production
Terra Ferma Operating
Texas American Resources
ZaZa Energy

Folks with whom Poppie corresponded in this matter:

1. T.R. Cunningham (still on Internet, no contact information) 1912 Alamo National Bldg San Antonio, TX 78205
2. E. Massey Watson (deceased) 201 Guitar Building Columbia, MO
3. Ewing LaPorte (deceased) National Press Building Washington, D.C.
4. Massey McCullough (deceased) 434 East Beckwith Ave. Missoula, MT
5. A.A. Kimble Kimble Real Estate [& Insurance Agency] ( Still there) Carrizo Springs, TX
6. C.F Newman (deceased ?) Neale, Newman & Turner - Now Neale & Newman, LLP Suite 701-707 Woodruff Building Springfield, MO

See these bookmarks: Example: Operator - Chesapeake; County - Dimmit 28.601509,-99.526943