Section V  Massey Excursi One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010

Massey Excursus: Lawson

Lawson-001.jpg 21 Oct.1936: Newberry Library: Tyler: Va. Encyclopedia of Biog. E4863.887; Society of Colonial Wars; Genealogies F8319.53; 24 Feb.1938: Harper Library, U.of Chicago: Swem: Va. Historical Index F221/S.93; 16 Mar.1941: N.E.H.G.S. book: Carrington, W.J.: History of Halifax Co., Va.; 1924, Richmond, Va.; 24 Jul.1942: Archives of Maryland; 9 Dec.1942: Newberry Library: Bell, A.W.B.: Maryland Will Book No.24; 1686-1744; 1938 fK49.081
Lawson-002.jpg 24 Feb.1938: Harper Library, U.of Chicago: Swen: Va. Historical Index F221.S93
Lawson-003.jpg 2 Jan.1945: Newberry Library: Burns, A.W.: Maryland Genealogies & Historical Recorder; Washington, D.C.; 5 Mar.1945: Maryland Historical Magazine; 29 Jun.1945: N.E.H.G.S. book: William & Mary Quarterly Magazine; 25 May 1946: Archives of Maryland; 2 Oct.1948: N.E.H.G.S. book: Greer: G.C.: Early Virginia Immigrants 1623-1666; 1912
Lawson-004.jpg 2 Feb.1958: N.E.H.G.S. book: Ray, Worth S.: The Mecklenburg Signers & Their Neighbors; 1946
Lawson-005.jpg 21 Jul.1970: Rockingham Co. Public Library: Eaton, D.W.: Historical Atlas of Westmoreland Co., Va. Patents; Oak Grove, Va., 1942 R.975.524-E; 21 Jul.1970: Rockingham Co. Public Library: Creecy, J.H.: Virginia Antiquary; Princess Anne. Co. Loose Papers 1700-1789; 1954 R.975.551.C; 11 Aug.1970: Rockingham Co. Public Library: Brown, Stuart E.: Va. Gen[ealogie]s, a Trial List; Berryville, Va.; 1967
Lawson-006.jpg 18 Aug.1970: Staunton Public Library: Nugent, Nell Marion: Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Va. Land Patents & Grants 1623-1666; Baltimore, Md. 1963
Lawson-007.jpg 21 Aug.1970: Staunton Public Library: Nugent, Nell Marion: Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Va. Land Patents & Grants 1623-1666; Baltimore, Md. 1963
Lawson-008.jpg 19 Aug.1970: Staunton Public Library: Creecy, J.H.: Virginia Antiquary; Princess Anne. Co. Loose Papers 1700-1789; 1954 R.975.551.C
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