Section IV  Massey Appendices One Maryland Massey Family by George Langford, Jr. 1901-1996
©Cullen G. Langford and George Langford, III, 2010

Appendix XIV
83.JamesMassey, Son of 3.PeterMassey

Back in 1908, during their big Massey research project, J. G. Massey and E. T. Massey were told by Mary Amanda Oldham Massey that 3.Peter Massey had a son, un-named, who had moved to Delaware.(1)  I had done no Massey research in Delaware, and this son of 3.Peter Massey remained un-named.  In 1976, Judge Massey hypothesized that a "James, son of Peter Massey," who attested the 1768 Q.A.Co. Will (2) might be the son of 3.Peter Massey.(2)
Following Judge Massey's suggestion,and putting our facts into diagram form, the pieces of this puzzle fall into place:
83.James Massey, son of 3.Peter Massey - 2.James Massey; 8.James Massey; 82.Sarah Massey; 3.Peter Massey; 79.Elizabeth Massey; 9.James Massey; 83.James Massey; Jean Fry; Francis Rochester; Henry Rochester; Frances Haddaway; Elizabeth Little.
Francis Rochester, whose Will 83.James Massey witnessed, was the uncle of James Massey.
83.James Massey used the out-of-the-ordinary signature: "James Massey, son of Peter Massey" to differentiate himself from his first cousin 9.James Massey and his uncle 8.James Massey.  All three of these James Massey's were living in 1768.
We do not know whether or not 83.James Massey did in fact move on to Delaware; the reconstructed 1790 Delaware Census did not list a James Massey; offers no help.(4)         
Another gap for further Massey researchers to fill_________


J.G. Massey: 1908 Notes: 1936 to GL,Jr.,p.1   
Magruder: Colonial Abstracts, vol.3, p.30.   
Judge Massey: 25 Mar.1976 Chart, p.6.   
National Genealogical Society: Reconstructed 1790 Delaware Census.   