Edwin Harrington, Son & Co.
Illustrated catalog given to Lamar Lyndon ca.1890.  The firm was located at North Fifteenth Street & Pennsylvania Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Webpage copyright © George Langford 2010
Machine Tools, ca. 1890 illustrated catalog
Have large diameters of cone, with broad belt surface, hammered crucible steel spindles; bronze metal journal bearings; lead screw for screw cutting, carriage screw, tail stock, spindle screw, back shaft studs for feed works, and feed rack, all of steel. Tail stock spindles clamped by adjustable conical binder; stationary or steady rests on all sizes; following rests on all sizes below 38 inches swing.

All sizes have power cross-feed, compound tool rest, gibbed carriage, unless otherwise ordered. 20 inches swing and larger have extra side block for turning full swing of lathe. 32 inches swing and larger, have geared face plate; 16 to 32 inches inclusive, have two face plates.

36 inches swing and larger, have plates keyed to spindle unless otherwise ordered. Carriages have long arms, (giving greater bearing surface,) which are self-oiling, lessening the liability to cut the guides when constantly on short work.

All sites have improved geared friction feed, unless ordered for belt, so arranged that screw cutting cannot be engaged at same time as friction or turning feed. Three section cone feed gear, on end of head stock, connecting with lead screw gives a positive feed, and enables a change more quickly than a belt.

All of our lathes have cut gearing, and are furnished with countershaft, hangers, pulleys, steel wrenches, wrought iron handles, bolts and nuts, case hardened. Feed rack made of steel put on in sections. All centers are fitted with Morse Twist Drill, standard taper. Taper attachment furnished when ordered.

Our lead screws are cut from a master screw direct from the Whitworth standard, and carefully kept for proving the working screw of our screw threading lathe, and secures accuracy of screw cutting on all lathes built by us, AN IMPORTANT ITEM to the BUYER.