Manuscript entitled, "Fossil Flora and Fauna of the Pennsylvanian Period, Will County, Illinois"
by George Langford (1876-1964)
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George Langford And His Fossils, [An Appendix] by Sydne Holmes

Strip Mining
Active strip mining in Wilmington, Illinois, about 1939-1948
Abandoned strip mine, Wilmington, Illinois
Scoop-shovels digging & dumping.

[Right click on these images and select "View Image" to see them at greater resolution.  GLIII, ed.]
Abandoned mines quickly fill with jade-green water ...
Hills stretch far into the distance.
[Those are weeds in the foreground, not giant trees ... GLIII, ed.]
The Collectors - George, Jr. and George, Sr.
George Langford, Jr. cracking open a nodule
George Langford, Sr., cracking open a large nodule
George Langford, Jr.
George Langford, Sr.